Today I have a Favor to ask From One and ALL~ PETS

Author: decorforhouses / Labels: , , , , ,

I am a pet lover and I have a Huge Favor to ask. It is the season of good will, giving, & sharing, So today I am asking for everyone that reads

Puppy at the Animal ShelterImage by bossco via Flickr

this, Please click and give food for free. I am Not Asking for MONEY of any kind. Today I am asking for LESS then 1 (one) minute of your time. This is very important to me and many others. It could help save a life, of one of GOD"S Creatures. Can you, will you Please take 1 (one) minute to go to a web site and click a purple button? It will not cost you a cent, it is Free. This is the site I am talking about.

It will take you to the Animal Rescue site, where Sponsors give food just because you took less then 1 minute of your time. Please also Bookmark the page and go there everyday, it takes less time then sending a email, and it will help to feed a hungry animal in a rescue.

In this economy, think of all the animals that do not have homes, because their families have lost theirs. The numbers are staggering. These Animals do not have a voice, they do not have opposing thumbs, most cannot fend for them selves. They are part of God's creation. It is our Duty to help when we can. I know money is tight all over the USA., but THIS IS FREE! It cost you nothing! This is one thing we can All do to help.

Even if you have not a single spare dime to your name, it is simple to do. donate free food, to the hungry Animals that have no voice, that do not deserve to be hungry. It just breaks my heart when I think of all the things, some of these poor creatures go through, from not understanding why they are not with their families anymore. The fact that they are in a cage, alone, and terrified as well as scared. They do not understand where their families are, there kids, mom and dads (meaning us the humans in their lives). all they grasp is that they are in a cage, everything has changed for them, we have let them down, have been put in a situation that affects us as well as them.

I look across the room an see my dog, that I love with all my heart, and wonder how she would feel if someday I was gone? And she was left alone again? She has been pampered since I got her, her life in the beginning was Very Bad. You see I got her from a Rottweiler Rescue, she was turned out as a puppy (3 or 4 months of age) by her owner to fend for herself, live in the woods, and was suffering from malnutrition. She had lost all of her hair, and was so skinny you could not only see her ribs, but her backbone, and her hips protruded so bad it made me cry. She has brought much joy to my family, I am so glad I took the time to find her and visit a rescue. Now is is a huge part of the family, well fed and happy.

That is one of the reasons that I go to the Animal Rescue site and click to give, all for free. I Step up and act for those that cannot act for themselves. I have been hungry at one time in my life, I would not wish that on anyone or anything! We as the humans of the world need to stop, and take a minute to think of the Animals that go hungry, the homeless that do not have a place to live. We all need to come together as a well oiled machines so to speak. and HELP when we can.

I employ you, take the time to visit the web site and donate for free, the sponsors pay for the food and we can feel good that we have helped a living creature from being hungry. Like I said I go everyday.

I can't save the World but I can help to feed, Gods creatures.
Please join me in helping in this little way, Do something that is good for one and all. Please do it everyday, and ask all of the people you send emails to and all of your friends to do it also. Even if you are not an Animal lover, I do not think you want them to be hungry, hunger hurts. Please click ---> To Help Animals Feed them Today! For FREE! It is something we can all do in this horrible economy. I thank You for reading, and maybe caring, and perhaps helping in my quest to never have a Hungry Animal Again in the USA. The Animals and I thank you from the bottom of our hearts.

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How To Change Your Bathroom Sink Faucet

Author: decorforhouses / Labels: , , , , ,

How To Change Your Bathroom Sink Faucet

This is an easy task. Just 5 easy steps to change the entire bathroom. Even if you have never done this before. Most faucets are standard and are interchangeable. Changing is a breeze. The tools needed are minimal. I have changed my own, and I am a girl. LOL.

Changing the faucet can make a world of difference in the way you see your bathroom. make it delightful and enchanting. To find some more beautiful waterfall faucets click the link---> Bathroom Faucets.

Do not let this scare you, just take your time, check back at the instructions if you have any questions.

Note: Please Read Instructions Thoroughly Before Starting This Project

Tools Needed

Basin Wrench (This can be purchased at most home improvement stores or hardware stores.)
Teflon tape
Screw Driver
Crescent Wrench

Most of the needed water connections come with the faucet.

What's in the
box: Normally
1 x Faucet;
2 x Hose;

1 x Accessory Set;
1 x Installation Instructions

Step 1:
Turn water under sink OFF

Step 2: Position the Faucet

A: Begin installing your faucet by placing the gasket and faucet in position on the sink.
B: From under the sink, thread the plastic mounting nuts onto the faucet shanks. Be sure the large side of each plastic mounting nut is up.
C: From the top of the sink, check the faucet and gasket position.
D: From under the sink tighten the mounting nuts, making certain not to over-tighten or cross thread, which could damage the nuts and make them difficult to remove in the future.
Note: To prevent cross threading turn plastic washers the wrong direction till level, you will feel a difference when threads are lined up.

Step 3: Attach the Water Supply Tubes

A: Wrap the threads of the water-supply valve with Teflon tape. Although most plumbers use only Teflon tape, some plumbing supply manufacturers also recommend using plumber’s putty.
B: Thread the water supply nut onto the shut-off valve. Tighten the nut with a wrench.
C: Wrap the threads on the faucet shank with Teflon tape, and then thread the water supply nut onto the faucet shank.
D: Tighten the nut with a wrench.

Step 4: Connect the Faucet Lift Rod

A-1: From the top of the sink, insert the lift-rod into the faucet.
A-2: From under the sink, make sure the pivot-rod is in the down position. Insert the lift-rod into the lift-rod strap. Tighten the screw.

From the top of the sink, make sure the lift-rod opens and closes the drain plug as desired.
B-2: Make any needed adjustments by loosening the lift-rod strap screw and repositioning the lift-rod.
B-3: If you need to connect the lift-rod strap to the pivot rod, slide one end of the spring clip onto the pivot-rod.
B-4: Make sure that both the pivot -rod and the lift-rod are in the down position. Insert the pivot-rod in the closest hole in the lift-rod strap.
B-5: Slide the other end of the pivot-rod. Make sure the lift-rod opens and closes the drain plug as desired.

Make minor adjustments by loosening the lift-rod strap screw and repositioning the lift-rod.
C-2: Make major adjustments by removing the spring clip and moving the pivot-rod to a different hole in the lift-rod strap.

Step 5: Flush the Faucet:

A-1: Anytime you work on plumbing, filings, chips, and other debris can fall into the plumbing pipes.
A-2: This debris can damage the sealing surfaces inside the faucet and cause leaks.
A-3: Remove aerator and black sealing gasket above it.
A-4: Before turning on the water supply, make sure the faucet handles are open (on position) in order to remove the debris without causing damage.

Open both water supply valves under the sink.

Allow the water to run for 15 seconds.
C-2: Close the faucet handles (turn off).

Make sure any debris is cleaned from the aerator screen.

Replace the aerator.

To view more Spectacular bathroom faucets click the link
Bathroom Faucets

If this helps you leave a comment Please.

If you need more help or have a Question leave a comment Please.

Home For The Holidays?

Author: decorforhouses / Labels: ,

Home for the Holidays

Pumpkin pie, from via Wikipedia

I would like to know how many are interested in cooking?
Do you cook for the Holidays or are you going out to eat? Do you have the best recipe ever? Do you want a wonderful Turkey recipe? Does your holiday Turkey have juice the 2nd and 3rd day? Do you love Pumpkin Pie? Have you ever had a Non Gritty pumpkin pie? Are there any people that want, any cooking tips or recipes? Does anyone Love chocolate? If so do you want a Wonderful recipe for Chocolate Lave Cake?
My passion for cooking is great, it is just one of the things I love.
I have to make 2 turkeys for Thanksgiving, both 20-22 lbs. We are having company this year so there will be 3 extra eating. I have learned from the past and my hubby, will eat until, there is no more room to eat anymore. I do make a wonderful turkey it is juicy the next day. even the white meat! So if you might want a recipe for any thing that I have mentioned here or perhaps maybe some chicken fricassee, and a recipe for dirty rice to be served with it.

Just leave a comment just below this blog. I will look everyday to see what is there, I will write my next blog on any recipe that I have listed there.

My wish for You On this Holiday Season. I hope this year will be your Best Holiday season ever. That you and your family are healthy and that you make at least one Wonderful memory that will last a lifetime.

Cooking is my second love my first is quality home decor. After all we all need a wonderful home to enjoy and relax in.

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I have been told you can’t go home again! Can you?

Author: decorforhouses /

Can you do what is said can’t be done? For as long as I remember I have been told you can’t go home again! Are those words just a hollow statement? Or do they have some sort of true meaning?

The physical being can actually go home again, that is to say you can actually go to the door and knock or ring the bell. In hopes of being greeted with the love and adornment that you have expected or remember so vividly in your mind. So physically, yes you can go home. But will it be the joyous reunion that you want or need, or think you deserve?

Some families have a close bond, some are well a little less endearing, not to say the love wasn’t there. It was just a little more hidden or refined. However it was generally love that made a home special to you.

Also the little things you remember, the way the sun light shown into your window in the morning. Maybe the way your room was decorated, with all of your prized possessions, or the special decoration that always fascinated you, the things that you might not have been allowed to touch for fear of breaking. The sound of the grandfather clock tick tock, tick tock. or the chimes on the hour and the half.

Is it they are talking about the journey back to where your thoughts take you? Like being a kid again, Is this question just a matter of stepping back in time, to when life was simple?
When you were a child, and had it made, even if your didn’t realize that, you did.

I bet if you closed your eyes and thought real hard you might be able to remember the smell of your favorite meal, coming from the kitchen. Maybe you might be able to bring back the memory of a birthday, or birthday party, that was in your honor or that of a family member.

Their was usually someone that cared for you. Someone to cook your meals, helped with your homework, make sure you brushed your teeth, and perhaps even to tuck you in, & say your prayers.

So what are your thoughts on this matter? Can you go home again? Or are those memories just that, wonderful memories, a keep sake that can’t be brought back again? Please leave a comment just below. I would appreciate any thing you have to say.

Collectibles & Figurines

Author: decorforhouses / Labels: ,

I am trying to include items here that, will help you add charm and whimsy, with some decadence, & grace. Things you need and some things you just flat out want or have to have. I have some that help you in everyday life, some that make you smile, some that enchant, some for collectors, like Elvis, cows, a nativity scene, a mother elephant and her family that are walking in the wild, the most beautiful horses, I have ever seen running in the waves.

The Elvis items are made with the collector in mind, they can bring you back to when The KING was in all his glory, You can almost hear him, as if he is onstage, these are so realistic. Let me help you Show off your home accessories, I plan to add more items soon so please check back often.

Let me know if you like the willow or are looking for Elvis "The King" of Rock~n~ Roll, or any home accessories piece. (you can click the picture or home accessories, to look at some items) I will try to locate it for you. If you have a picture you can email it to me with a description, I will see if I can find it or something close, and will get back to you. Lets make your home an enchanting place to be, a place where your imagination can run and play, a place to make wonderful memories for years to come.

Who has the Best TEAM... You DO!

Author: decorforhouses / Labels: , ,

Who has the Best TEAM... You DO!
Please leave a comment I will display your team here, with PRIDE!
Hi are you a sports fan? Do you know a sports fan? Maybe you have a college team, are a student or are you an alumni? Well I have located106 MLB, NBA, College, and NFL. team shower curtains. I am looking for matching vehicle mats and accessories, to complete your sports collection. I hope you find what you need to complete the ULTIMATE SPORTS FAN set-up for your home. Just click the link and have a look. I will only add quality well crafted items to this and all categories. with your Sports Souvenirs, shower curtains, & Sports Merchandise, You can be the ultimate fan ever! Please comment and let me know your favorite team. I am a sports fan and I am interested in knowing your team. Lets have some fun discussing teams, and there strength, the possibility of winning a championship this year or next. We all have dreams of our team winning, we share in the joy, heartache, and despair when they lose wither it be a game or a play off. We all need a team, well some don't but they are not fans. I enjoy my Team as well as I think you enjoy yours. So lets share experiences, and the joys of being a true fan, lets support out team with pride no matter if they won or lost they are still our teams, and we should back them no matter what! They give 110% on game day, they are worthy of all the support we can give them, and then some. So support you team because You Have The best Team Ever!

Important things about decorating your bathroom

Author: decorforhouses / Labels: , , , , ,

Today I am posting the different ways to enhance your bathroom, and some of the pitfalls. What to look out for when you add a shower curtain. The first thing I need to say, is our bathroom is small enough as it is (generally.) So when you are thinking about what kind of shower curtain you want. Please Do Not pick one that has to large of a design, they tend to make your room look smaller, and make it feel like it is closing in on you. A constant design is okay, but to large of a design will make you regret it.
If you want a neutral color I can offer the zebra black and white stripes that will go good with every color.
If you want a most peaceful touch "one that might call to you" I would suggest the Dolphin set. It has wonderful shades of blue and green.. Ranging from bold to pastel, with white that adds an elegant touch and the mirror with the dolphins. Further enhances the effect of your ocean decor. you can almost hear the sea crashing to the shore. I do have these bathroom accessories, in my bathroom. I chose some beige towels, a set of green and some shades of blue, I have also added some fish on the walls, to further compliment the ocean bathroom design.
I found some new college shower curtains, pro shower curtains, even NBA and Baseball while I was searching for more bathroom decor that I am adding to my site.
So I must ask, Are You A Sports Fan? Are you a College Football Fan? or are you an Alumni? Do you know a College fan or a student? Maybe you just have a Pro team that you follow. Well I have just what you are looking for! I have located 115 College & Pro sports team college shower curtains. Football, NBA, & Baseball. Most of the truly loved team are all there. So let me help you to delight that special sports fan in your life. I want to post some pictures of these but, I do not want to insult any fan, student, or alumni, by not using there team. So I will not add them here. I am adding them in alphabetical order. You can email or call me to see if I can get your favorite team. I will have them in asap. Thank you

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Home- what does it actually mean to you

Author: decorforhouses /

If someone were to walk up to you, and say what does home mean to you?

  • What would you say?
  • Would you tell them of the memories you have had there? Would you say it is where you sleep and eat, where you shower, wash your clothes, face and hands?
  • Would you share the joy of the precious moments of birthdays, or Christmas Day.
  • Would you say this is where you have shared life with your family.
Well this is what I am asking you... What does home mean to you? In 100 words or less can you give me a reasonable, definition of what it means to you. Please use your own words.
Please join my blog and lets have some fun with this and other topics.
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The bathroom can be a special lavish place to show off your interior designs

Author: decorforhouses / Labels: , , , , , ,

Here you will find Unique bathroom accessories, Quality bathroom design, Decant home interior, Delightful shower curtain sets, & a Beautiful Waterfall faucet, that will add decadence to you bathroom. At the end of the day there's nothing like walking through the door of your own home. So lets make your home interior warm and inviting, Our unique bathroom design will help change the way you look at this room, with function and a beautiful warm inspiring touch. (Just click the underlined link above and you can change the way your bathroom is viewed by all)

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kitchen design &kitchen decor

Author: decorforhouses / Labels: , , , , ,

Well this room should be the heart of your home, our kitchen design, home decor, home decorations, can help you make it a special place. Display your kitchen in a way to delight and charm your family and guests. This room is definitely the center of a home and a focal point. Where you can display your wares. LOL We plan our meals here, we drink our morning coffee here, or tea, or beverage of choice. This room calls to you with the scents of some of the Best meals in the world yours. Makes no difference a pie, cake, desert, or a fancy meal, or just a good home cooked dinner. The smells loft through the house, inviting all. Check out some of the items i have to making your Kitchen experience warm and friendly.
Kitchen heart of your home.

(Just click the underlined link and you can view your new kitchen designs.) The link will help you find thing you might just fall in love with. Enjoy, Please join my blog. It would be nice to have some followers and be able to talk cooking. (I have been told I am an excellent cook, and should own a restaurant) Please join me in my quest to make this the heart of your home.

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Entryway foyer is a special room

Author: decorforhouses / Labels: , , , ,

If you think about it. this is the first room your company and guests see. It is also the most overlooked and one of the most important rooms in your house. We come in, drop packages, coats, keys, purses, groceries, and what have you in this room. At least long enough to remove our coats, scarfs, and even a possible umbrella. So lets make this room charming, convent, and a
functional.let us help you with our home decorating, home improvement,.and home
decorations, for your house. check out some of the things for this room. (Click the Entryway, Foyer)

Entryway Foyer

I am adding more products everyday so, Please come back often.
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Decor for houses makes "You Want To come home"

Author: decorforhouses / Labels: , , ,

Good day,

Welcome to my blog, I hope you enjoy this blog and the things I am sharing with you.
Lets take a look at houses and homes. They should be a wonderful place where you can make memories that will last a lifetime. You know, the laughter a child has the first time he or she sees something unusual or unexpected. The twinkle in there eyes when Christmas is near. The look that can turn you into jelly, at a single glance.
At my decor for houses web site I have tried to bring things into your homes that will delight all, both the young and the young at heart. We all need things to keep us young, keep our memories alive, and enchant us, (make our minds work) maybe even mystify us, or make us drift off to a different place in time where life was easier, less demanding, less stressful.
Each room has its own purpose, and style, elegance and grace.
Let me help to make your Living room (just click the living room) a special place. please look at these items. I hope some of them are to your liking.
Thank you for looking at my blog and enjoy, please join, and follow me.

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