Home- what does it actually mean to you

Author: decorforhouses /

If someone were to walk up to you, and say what does home mean to you?

  • What would you say?
  • Would you tell them of the memories you have had there? Would you say it is where you sleep and eat, where you shower, wash your clothes, face and hands?
  • Would you share the joy of the precious moments of birthdays, or Christmas Day.
  • Would you say this is where you have shared life with your family.
Well this is what I am asking you... What does home mean to you? In 100 words or less can you give me a reasonable, definition of what it means to you. Please use your own words.
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Anonymous said...

A "Home" for me is just a sheltered space I can call my own to store the items I have collected, and a space to remain reasonably comfortable.

I love your page here.

Unknown said...

"Home", to me, is my haven. It is my place to escape the craziness of the rest of the world, to relax, in a calming environment, where I can be alone, collect my thoughts, and just spend time with those I love the most, my children. I know it probably sounds cliche, but that is exactly what it means to me.

I guess another version of this comes from recent events. My son and I went to California for about five months, to "start over", after I got out of a bad relationship, and to spend time with my father, whom I have always idolized. It was one disaster after another. My father had become an extreme alcoholic (and mean when he was drinking)... my car was stolen the first month I was there, and about four months in, my wallet was stolen. I could not even get an ID, even though I had a birth certificate. The thief tried to use my credit card ON VIDEO at the store, yet the police did nothing, claiming lack of evidence (aka laziness!). A criminal was able to walk around with all my bank cards, insurance cards, etc., and I, a US citizen, born in California, could not access my bank accounts (due to my license being in the wallet), and could not even prove who I was! I drove back to Oklahoma without a valid driver's license with me... and I'll tell ya, crossing that Oklahoma state line, my son and I both exclaimed how good it was to be "home"... back where people are generally nicer, we know our way around, our roots are here.

So, yes, home can have several different meanings, even to one person.

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