I have been told you can’t go home again! Can you?

Author: decorforhouses /

Can you do what is said can’t be done? For as long as I remember I have been told you can’t go home again! Are those words just a hollow statement? Or do they have some sort of true meaning?

The physical being can actually go home again, that is to say you can actually go to the door and knock or ring the bell. In hopes of being greeted with the love and adornment that you have expected or remember so vividly in your mind. So physically, yes you can go home. But will it be the joyous reunion that you want or need, or think you deserve?

Some families have a close bond, some are well a little less endearing, not to say the love wasn’t there. It was just a little more hidden or refined. However it was generally love that made a home special to you.

Also the little things you remember, the way the sun light shown into your window in the morning. Maybe the way your room was decorated, with all of your prized possessions, or the special decoration that always fascinated you, the things that you might not have been allowed to touch for fear of breaking. The sound of the grandfather clock tick tock, tick tock. or the chimes on the hour and the half.

Is it they are talking about the journey back to where your thoughts take you? Like being a kid again, Is this question just a matter of stepping back in time, to when life was simple?
When you were a child, and had it made, even if your didn’t realize that, you did.

I bet if you closed your eyes and thought real hard you might be able to remember the smell of your favorite meal, coming from the kitchen. Maybe you might be able to bring back the memory of a birthday, or birthday party, that was in your honor or that of a family member.

Their was usually someone that cared for you. Someone to cook your meals, helped with your homework, make sure you brushed your teeth, and perhaps even to tuck you in, & say your prayers.

So what are your thoughts on this matter? Can you go home again? Or are those memories just that, wonderful memories, a keep sake that can’t be brought back again? Please leave a comment just below. I would appreciate any thing you have to say.


Unknown said...

excellent post. I've never thought about that way be4. But now that i have; I will go home soon, but being 28y.o I will Never be able to go back home. Where would we be without memories.
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