Today I have a Favor to ask From One and ALL~ PETS

Author: decorforhouses / Labels: , , , , ,

I am a pet lover and I have a Huge Favor to ask. It is the season of good will, giving, & sharing, So today I am asking for everyone that reads

Puppy at the Animal ShelterImage by bossco via Flickr

this, Please click and give food for free. I am Not Asking for MONEY of any kind. Today I am asking for LESS then 1 (one) minute of your time. This is very important to me and many others. It could help save a life, of one of GOD"S Creatures. Can you, will you Please take 1 (one) minute to go to a web site and click a purple button? It will not cost you a cent, it is Free. This is the site I am talking about.

It will take you to the Animal Rescue site, where Sponsors give food just because you took less then 1 minute of your time. Please also Bookmark the page and go there everyday, it takes less time then sending a email, and it will help to feed a hungry animal in a rescue.

In this economy, think of all the animals that do not have homes, because their families have lost theirs. The numbers are staggering. These Animals do not have a voice, they do not have opposing thumbs, most cannot fend for them selves. They are part of God's creation. It is our Duty to help when we can. I know money is tight all over the USA., but THIS IS FREE! It cost you nothing! This is one thing we can All do to help.

Even if you have not a single spare dime to your name, it is simple to do. donate free food, to the hungry Animals that have no voice, that do not deserve to be hungry. It just breaks my heart when I think of all the things, some of these poor creatures go through, from not understanding why they are not with their families anymore. The fact that they are in a cage, alone, and terrified as well as scared. They do not understand where their families are, there kids, mom and dads (meaning us the humans in their lives). all they grasp is that they are in a cage, everything has changed for them, we have let them down, have been put in a situation that affects us as well as them.

I look across the room an see my dog, that I love with all my heart, and wonder how she would feel if someday I was gone? And she was left alone again? She has been pampered since I got her, her life in the beginning was Very Bad. You see I got her from a Rottweiler Rescue, she was turned out as a puppy (3 or 4 months of age) by her owner to fend for herself, live in the woods, and was suffering from malnutrition. She had lost all of her hair, and was so skinny you could not only see her ribs, but her backbone, and her hips protruded so bad it made me cry. She has brought much joy to my family, I am so glad I took the time to find her and visit a rescue. Now is is a huge part of the family, well fed and happy.

That is one of the reasons that I go to the Animal Rescue site and click to give, all for free. I Step up and act for those that cannot act for themselves. I have been hungry at one time in my life, I would not wish that on anyone or anything! We as the humans of the world need to stop, and take a minute to think of the Animals that go hungry, the homeless that do not have a place to live. We all need to come together as a well oiled machines so to speak. and HELP when we can.

I employ you, take the time to visit the web site and donate for free, the sponsors pay for the food and we can feel good that we have helped a living creature from being hungry. Like I said I go everyday.

I can't save the World but I can help to feed, Gods creatures.
Please join me in helping in this little way, Do something that is good for one and all. Please do it everyday, and ask all of the people you send emails to and all of your friends to do it also. Even if you are not an Animal lover, I do not think you want them to be hungry, hunger hurts. Please click ---> To Help Animals Feed them Today! For FREE! It is something we can all do in this horrible economy. I thank You for reading, and maybe caring, and perhaps helping in my quest to never have a Hungry Animal Again in the USA. The Animals and I thank you from the bottom of our hearts.

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